Comprehensive Burn Treatment in Siliguri: Where to Go and What to Expect

Comprehensive Burn Treatment in Siliguri: Where to Go and What to Expect


Burns can happen due to various causes which may include electricity, radiation, chemical products, sun, and other thermal sources such as hot liquids, fire, and accidental contact with any hot surfaces. These burns can either be mild or major while causing severe skin damage including blistering, redness, pain, swelling, and damage to the nerve endings. If you or your near ones have experienced major burns then it is vital to get burn treatment in Siliguri immediately so that any major damage and health complications associated with it can be avoided.

Before recommending a treatment option, the doctor you have appointed will diagnose your condition thoroughly to determine the degree of the burns. If less than 10% of the body is affected then it is considered a first-degree burn and severe burns covering a huge amount of the body are third-degree burns requiring immediate medical attention. Herein, you must know that the burn treatment always depends upon the severity and cause of the burn.

When To Visit Emergency Department For Burns?

If you have experienced a burn then you have to visit the emergency department of a multi-specialty nursing home so that you can receive immediate treatment. However, not all burns require urgent medical help and there are some signs which will help you to distinguish whether you want to visit an emergency department or not. Some such signs include-

  • Burn covering the feet, hands, buttocks, face, major joint, or groin.
  • Burn is deep and involves all the layers of the skin.
  • The burn is larger than 8 centimetres.
  • The affected areas have brown, white, and black patches with charred skin.
  • The burnt area is swelling excessively and looks leathery and dry.
  • You have inhaled smoke during the burn incident.

If you experience these signs then don’t delay to visit one of the best hospitals for burns in Siliguri.

Medical And Surgical Treatment Options For Major Burns

After you have visited the emergency department, the degree of the burn will be evaluated to decide upon the appropriate treatment. The most effective treatment options that the doctor may recommend are-

Fluids and water-based treatments- Major burns can lead to organ failure and dehydration. This is often prevented by providing intravenous fluids, where whirlpool baths can also be recommended to remove the dead tissues.

Ointments and medications- To prevent infections and heal burns, various medications and ointments can be prescribed. There can also be anti-anxiety and pain medications that can improve your condition.

Dressing- Specialized wound dressings are also available for major burns which enhances wound healing. Dry gauze is mainly used for covering the wounded areas.

Skin grafts- In some serious cases, surgery needs to be done to cure the burnt areas. One of the most effective surgeries for such situations is skin grafts where your healthy skin is used to replace the scarred tissues caused by the burns. In some cases, donor skin can also be used for grafting.

Feeding and breathing assistance- Certain patients may require breathing and nutritional support after the burns. In such scenarios, feeding tubes can threaded through your nose to avoid undernourishment. Herein, a tube through the windpipe can also be inserted to supply oxygen. This is mainly done when the burns have affected your throat, neck, or face.

Tetanus shot- Another important treatment option that you will get in the emergency department is the tetanus shot. This is specifically given to prevent any infections on the wounded site.

Remember that before getting the burn treatment in Siliguri from a specialized care team, you must not break any blisters or try to remove the stuck clothes from the burnt areas. You can also consider covering the burnt areas with a clean cloth and gauze while keeping the area raised to avoid any serious complications.

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