Fix Your Rotator Cuff With Best Orthopaedic Surgery

Fix Your Rotator Cuff With Best Orthopaedic Surgery


Our arms help our sustenance by providing us the means to carry out activities with dexterity. Without our arms, we cannot even imagine how life would move on. So our hands need to function in the right way. But certain disorders can hinder this smooth functioning.

A Rotator Cuff tear can be responsible for constrained hand movements and is often accompanied by shoulder pain and weakness in the arms. But there is no need to worry. With the help of the best Orthopaedic Surgery in Siliguri, you can relieve yourself from the persistent pain in your arms.

An Overview Of Rotator Cuff Tear

The rotator cuff is a culmination of muscles and ligaments in your shoulder. They help you lift and move your arms from your body. The rotator cuff keeps the ball of the upper arm bone (humerus) in the shoulder bone attachment.

The shoulder is a ball-and-attachment joint that is essential for the skeletal framework. It resembles a golf ball sitting on a golf tee. Rotator cuff tears happen when ligaments pull away from the arm bone. A tear might result from abuse or another injury to the arm. It is a very common disorder in India and is caused by heavy lifting or exercising carelessly.

The Types Of Rotator Cuff Tear

There are generally two types of Rotator Cuff Tears

Partial: With a deficient or fractional tear, the ligament still to some degree connects to the arm bone.

Complete: With a full-thickness or complete tear, the ligament isolates totally from the bone. There's an opening or tear in the ligament.

The Causes Of Rotator Cuff Tear

A mishap, like a fall, can cause a wrecked collarbone or separated shoulder that tears the rotator sleeve. Usually, rotator cuff tears happen over a course of time as the ligament wears out with age and use (degenerative tear). Individuals over 40 are mostly in danger.

Bone Spurs :

Bony developments can frame on top of the shoulder bone. These bone spurs rub against the ligament when you lift your arm. This shoulder impingement makes erosion between the bone and ligament. In the end, a fractional or complete tear might happen.

Diminished Bloodstream:

The bloodstream to the rotator sleeve diminishes as you progress in years. Your muscles and ligaments need a sound blood supply to fix them. If that blood doesn't sustain the ligaments, they can tear.


Repetitive shoulder usage during sports or at work can pressure muscles and ligaments, causing a tear.

The Symptoms Of Rotator Cuff Tear

Abrupt tears from accidents cause quick, serious shoulder torment and arm weakness. With degenerative tears, you might have less than overwhelming agony that improves with over-the-counter pain killers.

After some time, the pain deteriorates, and pain killers don't help. Not every person has torment, yet the vast majority have some degree of arm and shoulder weakness.

Indications of a rotator sleeve tear include:


  • Trouble and torment are brought about by raising your arm.
  • Popping or clicking sounds or sensations while moving your arm.
  • Shoulder torment that deteriorates around evening time or while resting your arm.
  • Shoulder weakness while you lift things.



Rotator Cuff Tears can be a serious hindrance in your way of life. With pangs of constant pain and discomfort, this disorder can make your life extremely miserable and painful. So it is advised that you seek orthopaedic treatments from the best hospital in Siliguri.

With a wide variety of treatment options that range from surgical to non-surgical, you can walk away from your pains and live a happy life. Your healthcare provider can help you plan out the perfect course of action according to your orthopaedic needs. With timely treatments, you can overcome the disorder and keep doing the activities you treasure.

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