
Shanti Nursing Home in Siliguri introduces a brand new section for the Department of Oncology, catering to various cancer patients through diagnosis, thorough assessment, and treatment. We also conduct specialized research work to enhance the treatment procedure.

Serving Cancer Patients with Utmost Care & Effect Treatment

The Department of Oncology at Shanti Nursing Home is designed with world-class treatment facilities with a group of top doctors and healthcare professionals. We have highly experienced Radiation and Surgical Oncologists who treat all types of malignancies following standard protocols. They recommend and follow the best course of action according to your stage of cancer growth and overall health. Our doctors also follow ways to offer the most painless method for cancer treatment; medication, radiation, or chemotherapy is being suggested as per your health capacity. Some conditions might require surgeries - our doctors also perform such procedures, ensuring minimum side effects. Added to this, we have a palliative care unit ready to support cancer patients and their close ones to handle the painful process of treatment.

  • Medical Oncology
  • Surgical Oncology
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Reconstructive Surgery
  • Integrative Tumor Panel
  • Chemotherapy
  • Specialized Screening Units
  • Palliative Care Unit
  • Counseling for Patients